Volunteer Info

Club Volunteer Overview & General Information

As you already know, SFFC has many committed volunteers; look no further than your daughter’s or son’s coach! Perhaps a little more “behind the scenes”, other volunteers run the concession stands, while other volunteers work tirelessly in the running and management of the club’s operations. We don’t even want to guess how many hours these people contribute to Saanich Fusion, but it’s a lot.

So with all these committed people, why do we need to pay a volunteer fee? Well… aside from the day-to-day running of a club with hundreds of soccer players ranging in age from 5 to 65 years of age, the club also has major events and hosts tournaments that require a large number of volunteers to run successfully. If we can’t find volunteers, we have to hire people to fill these roles. This is why the club charges a volunteer fee.

How many hours do I need to volunteer?

 Age Group$200 Deposit Required*Hours Required
U5 BoysNo0
U5 GirlsNo0
U6 BoysNo0
U5 GirlsNo0
U7 BoysNo0
U7 GirlsNo0
U8 BoysYes5  (per family)
U8 GirlsYes5  (per family)
U9-U18 BoysYes5  (per family)
U9-U18 GirlsYes5  (per family)
Seniors (Men & Women)No70  (per team)

*Upon successful completion of hours, $200 deposit cheque will be destroyed

What counts as volunteering?

Each team has 6 possible roles that exempt you from further volunteering: coach, assistant coach, team manager, team volunteer coordinator, female rep (for girls’ teams), and a (certified) first aid person. There are other positions within the club that would also count, such as age group coordinators.

Not interested in taking on a season-long positions? Check out the Current Volunteer Opportunities section below for upcoming “jobs” to fulfill your hours.

When do I have to volunteer by?

For the current club year, hours are to be completed before June 30.

How do I report my hours?

This information can be found under the Reporting Volunteer Hours (2023/2024) page.
For the prior year, use Reporting Volunteer Hours (2022/2023) page.

(Note: you will be asked to login before you can enter your volunteer hours. Use the same user name and password that you used to register your child.)

What’s Your Talent?

Do you have a skill or talent that you think the club might benefit from?  Please let the Volunteer Coordinator know!

Report Volunteer Hours


Enter your volunteer hours here.

(Note: you will be asked to login before you can enter your volunteer hours. Use the same user name and password that you used to register your child.)

Current Volunteer Opportunities


Reporting on field conditions (i.e. Field-walking)

When: Saturday and Sunday mornings 7:00am-7:30am throughout the season.

Details: Go to certain fields, inspect fields, and report on conditions.
Training will be provided.

Total time required: 5 Hours

Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Lochside debris cleaning (Fall)

  • When: approximately 1.5 hours in each of October, November, and December. Details:
  • General maintenance for the turf and surrounding areas. May
    include raking/leaf blowing, weeding, or trimming.
  • Total time required: 5 Hours
  • Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Lochside debris cleaning (Spring)

  • When: approximately 1.5 hours in each of January, February, and March. Details:
  • General maintenance for the turf and surrounding areas. May
    include raking/leaf blowing, weeding, or trimming.
  • Total time required: 5 Hours

Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Lochside debris cleaning (Spring)

  • Reporting on field conditions (i.e. Field-walking)
  • When: Saturday and Sunday mornings 7:00am-7:30am throughout the season. Details:
  • Go to certain fields, inspect fields, and report on conditions.
    Training will be provided.
  • Total time required: 5 Hours
  • Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Bottle Drive Coordinator (2 people needed)

New Years Bottle Drive (Flyer delivery and Bottle pick up)

Details: Print and deliver bottle drive flyers (PDF will be provided) the
week to a designated neighbourhood. Then, collect the bottles and deliver them to Lochside parking lot.

Total time required: 5 Hours

Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Bottle Drive Sorting

Details: Sort bottles for the bottle drive.
Info on how to sort will be provided.

Total time required: 5 Hours

Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Clubhouse Concession Coordinator (1 person needed)

  • When: Immediately
  • Assist with scheduling volunteers for shifts in the Tyndall Club House Concession
  • Contact: Nancy Phagura

Doug Day post removal

  • When: Mid April.
  • Details: You should have enough physical strength to move goal posts
    around with the help of another volunteer. All technical details will be
  • Total time required: 2.5 Hours
  • Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Lambrick Park Goal Post Clean Up

  • When: Mid March. Details: Must be physically able to move goal post with fellow volunteer(s).
  • Total time required: 2 Hours

Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com

Tyndall Clubhouse Clean Up

  • When: Mid March. Details: May include dusting, washing floors, or organizing equipment.
  • Total time required: 3 Hours
  • Contact: sffc.operations@gmail.com